Shor's Algorithm

Sasha Bakker

12 December 2019

The product of two large prime numbers is $C = P_{1}P_{2}$. Shor's Algorithm can factor a large composite number $C$ in far fewer steps than any known classical algorithm.

In [196]:
from numpy import *
from scipy.linalg import hadamard
import math
from random import randint
from tabulate import tabulate

The nontrival factors of $C$ can be found classically via Euclid's algorithm:

In [197]:
# Pick two large prime numbers

P1 = 3
P2 = 5

# Compute their product

C = P1*P2
print(f"C is {C}")

# Create a boolean

w = True

# Step 1
# Check that C is odd and is not a power of some smaller integer

if C%2 == 0:
    w = False

r = int(math.log(C,3))
k = linspace(2,r,r-1)

for i in range(len(k)):
    c1 = int(C**(1/k[i]))
    c2 = c1**k[i]
    if c2 == C:
        w = False
        print(f'{C} is the power {int(k[i])} of the smaller integer {c1}.')

while w is True:
    # Step 2
    # Pick any integer in the range 1 < a < C
    a = randint(2,C-1)

    # Step 3
    # Find the greatest commmon demoninator 
    g = math.gcd(a,C)

    if g > 1: 
        f1 = g
        f2 = int(C/g)
        print(f"factors are f1 = {f1} and f2 = {f2}.")
        # Step 4
        # Find the smallest integer p > 1
        p = 2
        while True:
            if (a**p)%C == 1:
            p += 1
        # Step 5
        # If p is odd or has modular congruence -1, go back to step 2
        if (p%2)!=0:
            if (a**(p/2))%C != -1:
                # Step 6
                # Find the nontrivial factors of C

                f1 = math.gcd(a**(int(p/2))+1,C)
                f2 = math.gcd(a**(int(p/2))-1,C)
                print(f"factors are f1 = {f1} and f2 = {f2}.")

print(f"a is {a}")
C is 15
factors are f1 = 5 and f2 = 3.
a is 7

The only step in which a quantum computer is needed is step 4, which signifies that $a^{p}-1$ is an integer multiple of $C$. This step is called "period finding", because the function $f(x)=a^{x} (mod C)$ is periodic with period $p$.

  • Find the smallest integer $p>1$ such that $a^{p}\equiv 1 (mod C)$.

Shor's algorithm with seven qubits

In [198]:
L = 3 # qubits in x-register
M = 4 # qubits in f-register
N = L+M # total number of qubits
s = 2**N # total number of states

I = eye(2) # 2d identity input in had()
H = hadamard(2) # 2d hadamard input in had()
factor = 1/sqrt(2) # hadamard factor

def had(i,N,H,I):
    """Compute the hadamard acting on the i-th qubit"""
    if i == N: 
        product = H
        product = I
    for j in range(N-1,0,-1):
        if j!=i: 
            product = kron(I,product)
            product = kron(H,product)

    return array(product).astype(int)

def allstates(s):
    """Represent all possible state in binary"""
    a = linspace(0,s-1,s,dtype=int) # numerical possible states
    b = list() # holds binary possible  states

    for i in range(len(a)):

        qstr = '{:07b}'.format(a[i])
    return b

def kcol(kbin, qcontrol, A):
    """Given a column and controlling-qubit, calculate
    the corresponding row that has the value 1 for a 
    controlled phase-shift gate"""
    q = qcontrol - 1
    l0 = kbin[q]
    k = int(kbin,2) # column number
    j = int
    f = int
    fp = int
    fpbin = str
    jbin = str
    Amatrix = int
    if qcontrol == 3:
        Amatrix = A[0]
    elif qcontrol == 2:
        Amatrix = A[1]
    elif qcontrol == 1:
        Amatrix = A[2]

    if int(l0) == 0:
        j = k
    elif int(l0) == 1:
        f = int(kbin[3:7],2) # m3m2m1m0 as decimal
        if f >= C:
            j = k
        elif f < C:
            fp = Amatrix*f%C
            fpbin = '{:04b}'.format(fp)
            jbin = kbin[0:3] + fpbin
            j = int(jbin,2)

    return j

def fx(b,qcontrol,A):
    """Create the controled-phase shift gate for a controlling-qubit"""
    m = zeros((s,s))
    for i in range(len(b)):
        j = kcol(b[i],qcontrol,A)
        m[j,i] = 1

    return m

def unitary(m,s):
    """Determine whether a matrix is unitary (true/false)"""
    z =
    return array_equal(z,eye(s))

# For qubit 1, 2, or 3 controlling qubit 1, 2, or 3
def CNOT(Cgate,row,col,b,qbitA,qbitB):
    """Construct the full 128x128 matrix given a phase shift matrix"""
    row = array(list(b[row])).astype(int)
    col = array(list(b[col])).astype(int)

    qA = qbitA-1
    qB = qbitB-1
    p,pp = row[qA],col[qA]
    q,qp = row[qB],col[qB]
    boo = True
    # kronecker delta (T/F) corresponds to (1,0)
    for i in range(len(row)):
        if (i!=qA) or (i!=qB):
            if row[i] != col[i]:
                boo = False
    if boo == True:
        rs = str(q) + str(p)
        ri = int(rs,2)

        cs = str(qp) + str(pp)
        ci = int(cs,2)
        return Cgate[ri][ci].real
        return 0

The quantum computation requires Hadamard gates, controlled phase-shift gates, and permutation matricies. The result of this algorithm is the period.

In [214]:
# Create initial state of the system
qb = zeros(s,dtype=int)
qb[1] = 1 # Turn on state '0000001'
qb = array([qb]).T

# Create binary of all possible states
b = allstates(s) 

# Compute the Hadamard gates on qubits 1, 2, 3
H1, H2, H3 = factor*had(1,N,H,I), factor*had(2,N,H,I), factor*had(3,N,H,I)

# Values of 'a' to iterate through
avals = [2,4,7,8,11,13,14]

# Initialize phase-shift matricies
Cgate1 = array([[1,0,0,0],
Cgate2 = array([[1,0,0,0],

# Compute controlled phase-shift gates
Cnot12 = zeros((s,s))
Cnot13 = zeros((s,s))
Cnot23 = zeros((s,s))
for i in range(0,s):
    for j in range(0,s):
        Cnot12[i][j] = CNOT(Cgate1,i,j,b,1,2)
        Cnot13[i][j] = CNOT(Cgate2,i,j,b,1,3)
        Cnot23[i][j] = CNOT(Cgate1,i,j,b,2,3)

def Shor(a,qstates):
    """Shor's Algorithm for 7-qubits"""
    A = [(a)%C, (a**2)%C, (a**4)%C]
    M1, M2, M3 = fx(b,1,A), fx(b,2,A), fx(b,3,A)
    qstates = H3@Cnot23@H2@Cnot13@Cnot12@H1@M3@M2@M1@H3@H2@H1@qstates
    poss = list()
    xtilde = list()
    for i in range(len(qstates)):
        if qstates[i] > 0:
            xstr = b[i][2] + b[i][1] + b[i][0]
    poss = unique(poss)
    xtilde = unique(xtilde)
    xx = xtilde/(2**L)
    return (poss,xtilde,xx)

# Create the table
table = list()
for a in avals:
    poss, xtilde, xx = Shor(a,qb)
print(tabulate(table, headers=["a","f(X) values","x-tilde", "results"]))
  a  f(X) values    x-tilde    results
---  -------------  ---------  ---------------------
  2  [1 2 4 8]      [0 2 4 6]  [0.   0.25 0.5  0.75]
  4  [1 4]          [0 4]      [0.  0.5]
  7  [ 1  4  7 13]  [0 2 4 6]  [0.   0.25 0.5  0.75]
  8  [1 2 4 8]      [0 2 4 6]  [0.   0.25 0.5  0.75]
 11  [ 1 11]        [0 4]      [0.  0.5]
 13  [ 1  4  7 13]  [0 2 4 6]  [0.   0.25 0.5  0.75]
 14  [ 1 14]        [0 4]      [0.  0.5]

Because the measured $\frac{\tilde{x}}{2^{L}}$ values were multiples of $\frac{1}{4}$, they give a guess $p=4$ for the period (the correct answer).

In [217]:
table = list()
avals = linspace(2,C-1,C-2,dtype=int)
for a in avals:
    A = [(a)%C, (a**2)%C, (a**4)%C]
    M1, M2, M3 = fx(b,1,A), fx(b,2,A), fx(b,3,A)
    u1, u2, u3 = unitary(M1,s), unitary(M2,s), unitary(M3,s)
print("Permutation matricies marked as True are definied as unitary.")
print("This is why the previous values of 'a' were chosen as [2,4,7,8,11,13,14].")
Permutation matricies marked as True are definied as unitary.
This is why the previous values of 'a' were chosen as [2,4,7,8,11,13,14].
  a  M1     M2     M3
---  -----  -----  -----
  2  True   True   True
  3  False  False  False
  4  True   True   True
  5  False  False  False
  6  False  False  False
  7  True   True   True
  8  True   True   True
  9  False  False  False
 10  False  False  False
 11  True   True   True
 12  False  False  False
 13  True   True   True
 14  True   True   True
In [ ]: