## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.0 --
## v tibble  3.0.4     v purrr   0.3.4
## v tidyr   1.1.2     v forcats 0.5.0
## v readr   1.4.0
## -- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Part I - “Scraping”

Question 1

Set up a database connection to the SMScorpus.db file.

# Set up database connection
drv = dbDriver("SQLite")
con = dbConnect(drv, dbname = "SMScorpus.db")

Question 2

List the tables in our database. Which table contains the actual SMS data? Use a SQL query to show the first 10 rows of the table.

  • The actual SMS data is contained in the new_sms_download table.
# List tables in our database
## [1] "new_sms_download" "sqlite_sequence"
# List fields in our SMS table
dbListFields(con, "new_sms_download")
##  [1] "sender"         "receiver"       "send_time"      "collect_time"  
##  [5] "collect_method" "content"        "native"         "country"       
##  [9] "age"            "input_method"   "experience"     "frequency"     
## [13] "phone_model"    "collector"      "gender"         "smartphone"    
## [17] "lang"           "city"           "id"
# Show first 10 rows of table wit SQL query
dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM new_sms_download LIMIT 10")
##                              sender                         receiver
## 1  79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a 0ffc7585148560b7520931d354c00a9b
## 2  79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a ce3e0c80307aea9b4f656890d19735b3
## 3  79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a 0ffc7585148560b7520931d354c00a9b
## 4  79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a 0ffc7585148560b7520931d354c00a9b
## 5  79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a 0ffc7585148560b7520931d354c00a9b
## 6  79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a 0ffc7585148560b7520931d354c00a9b
## 7  79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a 279fab0955409c56520931d354c00a9b
## 8  79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a 0ffc7585148560b7520931d354c00a9b
## 9  79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a 0ffc7585148560b7520931d354c00a9b
## 10 79780a9dbe83fd1e5dd2bd2543e7da2a 0ffc7585148560b7520931d354c00a9b
##           send_time collect_time collect_method
## 1  2010.10.24 11:59      2010/11     SMS Export
## 2  2010.10.28 11:53      2010/11     SMS Export
## 3  2010.10.26 22:21      2010/11     SMS Export
## 4  2010.10.25 20:27      2010/11     SMS Export
## 5  2010.10.25 08:33      2010/11     SMS Export
## 6  2010.10.23 18:06      2010/11     SMS Export
## 7  2010.10.27 21:41      2010/11     SMS Export
## 8  2010.10.26 14:49      2010/11     SMS Export
## 9  2010.10.25 17:49      2010/11     SMS Export
## 10 2010.10.24 19:20      2010/11     SMS Export
##                                            content native country   age
## 1                                                K    yes   India 21-25
## 2                                        Studying?    yes   India 21-25
## 3                                        Vch photo    yes   India 21-25
## 4                           K:-)ya i hav to finish    yes   India 21-25
## 5                                                K    yes   India 21-25
## 6                                  One senioq akka    yes   India 21-25
## 7                                              K d    yes   India 21-25
## 8  She vil mistake me only cha.dnt talk to me also    yes   India 21-25
## 9                                 I am standing up    yes   India 21-25
## 10                                               K    yes   India 21-25
##    input_method   experience              frequency phone_model collector
## 1     Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
## 2     Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
## 3     Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
## 4     Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
## 5     Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
## 6     Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
## 7     Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
## 8     Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
## 9     Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
## 10    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years More than 50 SMS daily       Nokia  Tao Chen
##     gender smartphone lang     city id
## 1  unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur  1
## 2  unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur  2
## 3  unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur  3
## 4  unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur  4
## 5  unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur  5
## 6  unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur  6
## 7  unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur  7
## 8  unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur  8
## 9  unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur  9
## 10 unknown    unknown   en Tiruppur 10

Question 3

Let’s start working on the XML file. Our goal is to extract from it a data frame which is as close as possible to the DB table. First, read the contents of the XML file into a dataframe named SMScorpus_xml_raw.

SMScorpus_xml_raw <- readLines("smsCorpus_en_2015.03.09_all.xml", warn = FALSE)

Next, create a new dataframe called SMScorpus_xml that only contains actual messages.

message_pattern <- "<message id="
# This variable only contains rows of the raw data with "<message id="
SMScorpus <- SMScorpus_xml_raw[grep(x = SMScorpus_xml_raw, pattern = message_pattern)]

# Substitute everything that is not part of a text message
text_exp <- "(.*)<text>|</text>(.*)"
texts <- gsub(text_exp, "", SMScorpus)

# This variable only contains the text message content
SMScorpus_xml <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(texts), nrow = length(texts)))

colnames(SMScorpus_xml) <- c("content")

Question 4

Verify that the number of messages is the same in both your XML version and the DB version. Assign that number as a numeric scalar to a variable called N.

N0 = nrow(SMScorpus_xml)
N = nrow(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM new_sms_download"))

## [1] 55835
## [1] 55835
  • The number of messages is the same for both versions.

Question 5

Are the two data sets the same? In order to answer the question, we will extract the data from the XML file using string manipulations and store it in the same dimensions and variable names as the DB version.

On examining the XML structure, you’ll find that some fields are defined with an equal sign (“=”) and some in a different way.

Write a function called getXMLfield which takes the following inputs:

  • field - the name of the field to extract from each of the XML rows.
  • dat - the character vector object that contains the XML rows.
  • with_equal_sign - a logical value that tells the function whether the field is defined with an equal sign or not.
  • type_of_result - a string whose default value should be “chr”. If it is set to “int”, the function will convert the result to an integer vector.

The output will be a vector that contains the values of the field variable.

In addition, the function should convert the XML escaped characters to their actual value.

# The data we want to collect
SMScorpus_db_df <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM new_sms_download")
slice(SMScorpus_db_df, 45719)
##   sender receiver send_time collect_time collect_method               content
## 1     51  unknown   unknown       2003/4        unknown Bugis oso near wat...
##    native country     age input_method experience frequency phone_model
## 1 unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
##   collector  gender smartphone lang    city    id
## 1  howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 45719
  • The cell below is the original function I wrote which takes a desired field as input along with the dat, with_equal_sign, and type_of_result variables.
  • I took field as the name of the field in which the data frame column will be named rather than the name of the field in the raw data. It was easier for me to keep track of which values will correspond to what in the DB data file. Due to this, the raw “time” field was not vectorized for returning their values.
# SMScorpus only contains rows of the raw data with "<message id="
row1 <- SMScorpus[[1]]

# What the input corresponds to
fields <- c("message id", "text", "srcNumber", "manufactuer", "smartphone", "age", "gender", "nativeSpeaker", "country", "city", "experience", "frequency", "inputMethod", "language", "time", "collector", "time", "destNumber", "method")

# What the user inputs
field_names <- c("id", "content", "sender", "phone_model", "smartphone", "age", "gender", "native", "country", "city", "experience", "frequency", "input_method", "lang", "send_time", "collector", "collect_time", "receiver", "collect_method" ) 

names(fields) <- field_names

getXMLfield_og <- function(field, dat, with_equal_sign, type_of_result="chr"){
  field_name <- fields[field][[1]]
  if (field_name == "time"){
    if (field == "send_time"){
      exp <- "<messageProfile(.*?)><"
    else if (field == "collect_time"){
      exp <- "<collectionMethod(.*?)><"
    matches <- gregexpr(pattern = exp, tex = dat)
    rmatches <- regmatches(x=dat, m=matches)
  else {
    rmatches <- dat
  if (with_equal_sign == TRUE) {
    exp <- paste("(?<=", field_name, "=\")(.*?)(?=\")", sep="")
  else if (with_equal_sign == FALSE) {
    exp <- paste("(?<=", field_name, ">)(.*?)(?=</", field_name, ")", sep="")

  matches <- gregexpr(pattern = exp, text = rmatches, perl=TRUE)
  result <- regmatches(x=rmatches, m=matches)
  if (field == "content"){
    result <- gsub("&quot;", "\"", result)
    result <- gsub("&apos;", "'", result)
    result <- gsub("&lt;", "<", result)
    result <- gsub("&gt;", ">", result)
    result <- gsub("&amp;", "&", result)
  if (type_of_result == "int") {
    result <- as.integer(result)
  else if (type_of_result == "chr") {
    result <- as.character(result)


getXMLfield_og("sender", row1, FALSE)
## [1] "51"
getXMLfield_og("sender", row1, FALSE, "int")
## [1] 51
getXMLfield_og("send_time", row1, TRUE)
## [1] "unknown"
getXMLfield_og("collect_time", row1, TRUE)
## [1] "2003/4"
  • I was looking for a way to convert the list produced with “time” input into a matrix so those values could be assigned to the corresponding columns of the XML data frame I am creating.
  • Originally, I was using, listname) which worked. However, it wasn’t keeping any null values which made the data frame length of 55796 when it really needs to have N = 55835 rows.
  • Eventually, I found the function rbindlst() which acts essentially the same but it does keep null values! So, the cell block below shows the package I needed to install in order to use this function.
  • The last fix to make this work with the rbindlst() function is that I had to transpose the data using t().
## Attaching package: 'data.table'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     transpose
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     between, first, last
  • The cell below is the function I wrote which takes a desired field as input along with the dat, with_equal_sign, and type_of_result variables.
  • This time, the field corresponds to the name of the field in the raw data. This will allow for vectorized return of the hierarchical data for “time”.
# SMScorpus only contains rows of the raw data with "<message id="
row1 <- SMScorpus[[1]]

# What the user inputs
fields <- c("message id", "text", "srcNumber", "manufactuer", "smartphone", "age", "gender", "nativeSpeaker", "country", "city", "experience", "frequency", "inputMethod", "language", "time", "collector", "time", "destNumber", "method")

getXMLfield <- function(field, dat, with_equal_sign, type_of_result="chr"){
  field_name <- field
  rmatches <- dat
  if (with_equal_sign == TRUE) {
    exp <- paste("(?<=", field_name, "=\")(.*?)(?=\")", sep="")
  else if (with_equal_sign == FALSE) {
    exp <- paste("(?<=", field_name, ">)(.*?)(?=</", field_name, ")", sep="")

  matches <- gregexpr(pattern = exp, text = rmatches, perl=TRUE)
  result <- regmatches(x=rmatches, m=matches)
  if (field_name == "text"){
    result <- gsub("&quot;", "\"", result)
    result <- gsub("&apos;", "'", result)
    result <- gsub("&lt;", "<", result)
    result <- gsub("&gt;", ">", result)
    result <- gsub("&amp;", "&", result)
  if (type_of_result == "int") {
    result <- as.integer(result)
  else if (typeof(result) == "list"){
    result <- rbindlist(list(result))
    result <- t(result)

  else {
    result <- as.character(result)


getXMLfield("srcNumber", row1, FALSE)
##    [,1]
## V1 "51"
getXMLfield("srcNumber", row1, FALSE, "int")
## [1] 51
N == length(complete.cases(SMScorpus_db_df$send_time)) # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
N == length(complete.cases(SMScorpus_db_df$collect_time)) # TRUE
## [1] TRUE

Once you are happy with your function, you should create a new data frame for the XML data.

DBfields <- dbListFields(con, "new_sms_download")
SMScorpus_xml_df <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = length(DBfields)))
colnames(SMScorpus_xml_df) <- DBfields

# Make sure we know all of the field names
sort(DBfields) == sort(field_names)
##  [1] "sender"         "receiver"       "send_time"      "collect_time"  
##  [5] "collect_method" "content"        "native"         "country"       
##  [9] "age"            "input_method"   "experience"     "frequency"     
## [13] "phone_model"    "collector"      "gender"         "smartphone"    
## [17] "lang"           "city"           "id"

This initializes a data frame that has the same number of rows and the same columns (alongside their names) as the SMS DB file.

We will ignore here two columns from the DB version, send_time and collect_time. So execute:

SMScorpus_xml_df$send_time <- NULL
SMScorpus_xml_df$collect_time <- NULL

# Trying to handle "time" cases automatically
SMScorpus_xml_df[, c("send_time", "collect_time")] <-
  getXMLfield(field = "time", dat = SMScorpus, with_equal_sign = TRUE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.

You should fill all your columns using the function you created. You need to run it once for each variable. Take care to choose the names correctly!

SMScorpus_xml_df$collect_method <-
  getXMLfield("method", SMScorpus, TRUE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$receiver <-
  getXMLfield("destNumber", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$id <-
  getXMLfield("message id", SMScorpus, TRUE, "int")

SMScorpus_xml_df$content <-
  getXMLfield("text", SMScorpus, FALSE)

SMScorpus_xml_df$sender <-
  getXMLfield("srcNumber", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$phone_model <-
  getXMLfield("manufactuer", SMScorpus, TRUE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$smartphone <-
  getXMLfield("smartphone", SMScorpus, TRUE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$age <-
  getXMLfield("age", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$gender <-
  getXMLfield("gender", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$native <-
  getXMLfield("nativeSpeaker", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$country <-
  getXMLfield("country", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$city <-
  getXMLfield("city", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$experience <-
  getXMLfield("experience", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$frequency <-
  getXMLfield("frequency", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$input_method <-
  getXMLfield("inputMethod", SMScorpus, FALSE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$lang <-
  getXMLfield("language", SMScorpus, TRUE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.
SMScorpus_xml_df$collector <-
  getXMLfield("collector", SMScorpus, TRUE)
## Warning in rbindlist(list(result)): Column 14154 [''] of item 1 is length 0.
## This (and 38 others like it) has been filled with NA (NULL for list columns) to
## make each item uniform.

Print rows 1-10, 20001-20010 and 40001-40010 of your resulting data frame.

##    sender receiver collect_method
## 1      51  unknown        unknown
## 2      51  unknown        unknown
## 3      51  unknown        unknown
## 4      51  unknown        unknown
## 5      51  unknown        unknown
## 6      51  unknown        unknown
## 7      51  unknown        unknown
## 8      51  unknown        unknown
## 9      51  unknown        unknown
## 10     51  unknown        unknown
##                                                                                                                                                               content
## 1                                                                                                                                               Bugis oso near wat...
## 2                                                     Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat...
## 3                                                                                                                      I dunno until when... Lets go learn pilates...
## 4                        Den only weekdays got special price... Haiz... Cant eat liao... Cut nails oso muz wait until i finish drivin wat, lunch still muz eat wat...
## 5                                                                                                                                              Meet after lunch la...
## 6                                                                                                  m walking in citylink now ü faster come down... Me very hungry...
## 7                                                                                                                 5 nights...We nt staying at port step liao...Too ex
## 8                                                                                   Hey pple...$700 or $900 for 5 nights...Excellent location wif breakfast hamper!!!
## 9  Yun ah.the ubi one say if ü wan call by 67441233 look for irene.ere only got bus8,22,65,61,66,382. Ubi cres,ubi tech park.6ph for 1st 5wkg days.èn
## 10                                                                                                                                  Hey tmr maybe can meet you at yck
##     native country     age input_method experience frequency phone_model
## 1  unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
## 2  unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
## 3  unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
## 4  unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
## 5  unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
## 6  unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
## 7  unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
## 8  unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
## 9  unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
## 10 unknown      SG unknown      unknown    unknown   unknown     unknown
##    collector  gender smartphone lang    city    id send_time collect_time
## 1   howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10120   unknown       2003/4
## 2   howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10121   unknown       2003/4
## 3   howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10122   unknown       2003/4
## 4   howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10123   unknown       2003/4
## 5   howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10124   unknown       2003/4
## 6   howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10125   unknown       2003/4
## 7   howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10126   unknown       2003/4
## 8   howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10127   unknown       2003/4
## 9   howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10128   unknown       2003/4
## 10  howyijue unknown    unknown   en unknown 10129   unknown       2003/4
##                                                 sender
## 20001 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
## 20002 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
## 20003 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
## 20004 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
## 20005 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
## 20006 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
## 20007 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
## 20008 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
## 20009 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
## 20010 c7adea30c5e9bac455066af49acbf76eb63bd4324e6d431c
##                               receiver collect_method
## 20001 6c82416ba4976764d20a707d2be75e0e     SMS Upload
## 20002 6c82416ba4976764d20a707d2be75e0e     SMS Upload
## 20003 6c82416ba4976764d20a707d2be75e0e     SMS Upload
## 20004 6c82416ba4976764d20a707d2be75e0e     SMS Upload
## 20005 6c82416ba4976764d20a707d2be75e0e     SMS Upload
## 20006 6c82416ba4976764d20a707d2be75e0e     SMS Upload
## 20007 6c82416ba4976764d20a707d2be75e0e     SMS Upload
## 20008 0a5f29745d0ae10cd72f84eef4ae098e     SMS Upload
## 20009 0a5f29745d0ae10cd72f84eef4ae098e     SMS Upload
## 20010 0a5f29745d0ae10cd72f84eef4ae098e     SMS Upload
##                                                                                         content
## 20001                       Yeah hopefully, if tyler can't do it I could maybe ask around a bit
## 20002                                           Haha, that was the first person I was gonna ask
## 20003 Gumby's has a special where a  <#> " cheese pizza is $2 so I know what we're doin tonight
## 20004                                                                                      What
## 20005                                                                                 Sweeeeetg
## 20006                                                                         Ugh fucking typos
## 20007                                                                                     Aight
## 20008                                                                         Jus chillin, you?
## 20009                                                       Yeah why not, is the gang all ready
## 20010                                                                       Then I'm on mah way
##       native       country   age input_method   experience         frequency
## 20001    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
## 20002    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
## 20003    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
## 20004    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
## 20005    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
## 20006    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
## 20007    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
## 20008    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
## 20009    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
## 20010    yes United States 16-20    Multi-tap 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 SMS daily
##       phone_model collector gender smartphone lang  city   id
## 20001    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9884
## 20002    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9885
## 20003    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9886
## 20004    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9887
## 20005    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9888
## 20006    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9889
## 20007    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9890
## 20008    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9891
## 20009    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9892
## 20010    Motorola  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Tampa 9893
##                 send_time collect_time
## 20001 2011.01.31 03:00:26       2011/2
## 20002 2011.01.31 03:02:10       2011/2
## 20003 2011.01.31 04:47:34       2011/2
## 20004 2011.01.31 04:48:30       2011/2
## 20005 2011.01.31 04:49:13       2011/2
## 20006 2011.01.31 04:49:32       2011/2
## 20007 2011.01.31 06:08:23       2011/2
## 20008 2011.01.31 09:45:06       2011/2
## 20009 2011.01.31 09:48:14       2011/2
## 20010 2011.01.31 09:53:46       2011/2
##                                                 sender
## 40001 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
## 40002 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
## 40003 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
## 40004 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
## 40005 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
## 40006 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
## 40007 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
## 40008 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
## 40009 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
## 40010 5947942eb22c76ff040d86eff45702cf8828029e5ca2413a
##                               receiver collect_method
## 40001 c4caecfe70266e7f3aa46133188d52d8     SMS Upload
## 40002 fd0ccca246248842ffb06152f32af4cf     SMS Upload
## 40003 98538082b86a54636a8d70e2f8bf0594     SMS Upload
## 40004 68fdfb1e1ab3a701ffb06152f32af4cf     SMS Upload
## 40005 c4caecfe70266e7f3aa46133188d52d8     SMS Upload
## 40006 7fe7c24ccbab1fbaffb06152f32af4cf     SMS Upload
## 40007 dac3eb044800d99ba6bc6bf73f59ee85     SMS Upload
## 40008 c4caecfe70266e7f3aa46133188d52d8     SMS Upload
## 40009 c4caecfe70266e7f3aa46133188d52d8     SMS Upload
## 40010 c4caecfe70266e7f3aa46133188d52d8     SMS Upload
##                                        content native   country   age
## 40001                            Lols okay nvm    yes Singapore 16-20
## 40002                      Ps I 2moro can't go    yes Singapore 16-20
## 40003                      Ps I 2moro can't go    yes Singapore 16-20
## 40004               Send me ur flight details?    yes Singapore 16-20
## 40005        Yea its okay. U weren't late yest    yes Singapore 16-20
## 40006        Wth father day 3rd Sunday of june    yes Singapore 16-20
## 40007                  Hey so is it on  <#> rd    yes Singapore 16-20
## 40008                     Wahh pangsehhhhhhhhh    yes Singapore 16-20
## 40009 Lol jkjk I was using AYE msg as template    yes Singapore 16-20
## 40010                   Yea enjoy while we can    yes Singapore 16-20
##       input_method         experience              frequency phone_model
## 40001   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
## 40002   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
## 40003   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
## 40004   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
## 40005   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
## 40006   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
## 40007   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
## 40008   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
## 40009   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
## 40010   Predictive More than 10 years More than 50 SMS daily     Samsung
##       collector gender smartphone lang      city    id           send_time
## 40001  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29884 2011.06.09 09:01:42
## 40002  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29885 2011.06.09 10:30:42
## 40003  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29886 2011.06.09 10:30:42
## 40004  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29887 2011.06.09 10:12:25
## 40005  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29888 2011.06.10 08:29:58
## 40006  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29889 2011.06.10 03:05:53
## 40007  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29890 2011.06.10 04:39:30
## 40008  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29891 2011.06.10 05:36:12
## 40009  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29892 2011.06.10 05:37:42
## 40010  Tao Chen   male        yes   en Singapore 29893 2011.06.10 05:38:55
##       collect_time
## 40001      2011/11
## 40002      2011/11
## 40003      2011/11
## 40004      2011/11
## 40005      2011/11
## 40006      2011/11
## 40007      2011/11
## 40008      2011/11
## 40009      2011/11
## 40010      2011/11

Question 6

Let us now check our new data frame that is based on the XML file.


What is the main glitch in the XML data? Compare your findings to the DB version, using only direct SQL queries. (hint: look for a variable that should have unique entries for each row)

# Print DB data in ascending order
SMSdb <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT content FROM new_sms_download ORDER BY content LIMIT 5")
##                                                                                          content
## 1                                                         \nLol how did u get put in an arm bar.
## 2                                                    _2_|_7_|_6_     _9_|_5_|_1_     _4_|_3_|_8_
## 3     Tere dil ka dard kis ne dekha ha, "Nargis"...,Sab kanjar hain, sirf mammay dekhte hain...!
## 4                                                                                          <#>  
## 5                 australia ke elawa aur bhi jagan ab ho raha ha implement..BROADBAND POWER LINE
# Print XML data in ascending order
xml_sorted <- SMScorpus_xml_df[order(SMScorpus_xml_df$content),]
row.names(xml_sorted) <- NULL
SMSxml <- xml_sorted['content']
##                                                                                                                                          content
## 1                                                                                                                                              '
## 2                                                                                                                                              '
## 3                                                                                                                                              '
## 4 ''An Amazing Quote'' - "Sometimes in life its difficult to decide whats wrong!! a lie that brings a smile or the truth that brings a tear...."
## 5                                                      ''Life is beautiful only for those who knw how to celebrate the PAIN".-.. :-)Gud nite :-)
  • The main glitch in the data is with characters that have accents. For example, in the XML data, the character ü is written as “ü”. A similar thing occurs for characters that are in a different language. For example, the character is written as 鈥. This glitch also makes it so the data are not comparable in ascending order.


Several text messages in the XML data are corrupt. Find those using functions like table(), which() (or others) and show them. Compare those to the correct messages in the DB version. For full credit, use only SQL queries for the latter. For partial credit you can copy the table into an R data frame and examine it directly with dplyr or other commands. Identify the issue that causes the discrepancy.

sum($content)) # zero
## [1] 0
sum(is.nan(SMScorpus_xml_df$content)) # zero
## [1] 0
sum(SMScorpus_xml_df$content == "") # zero
## [1] 0
sum(SMScorpus_xml_df$content == "NULL") # zero
## [1] 0
sum(is.null(SMScorpus_xml_df$content)) # zero
## [1] 0
anyNA(SMScorpus_xml_df$content) # FALSE
## [1] FALSE
# Are all cases complete?
N == length(complete.cases(SMScorpus_xml_df$content)) # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
tt <-$content)) # TRUE
N == sum(tt$Freq)
## [1] TRUE
sum( # 663
## [1] 663
sum( # 0
## [1] 0
colSums( # 17 columns contain 39
##                                             content                           
##           39           39           39            0           39           39 
##           39           39           39           39           39           39 
##                                                               id    send_time 
##           39           39           39           39            0           39 
## collect_time 
##           39
rows <- SMScorpus_xml_df %>%
  rowid_to_column() %>%
rowids <- rows$rowid
rowids # these are the 39 rows that have the NA values
##  [1] 14154 14312 14432 15041 15068 15070 15145 15356 15362 15363 15364 15365
## [13] 15386 15442 15524 15525 20876 20894 20895 20896 20897 20898 37509 37519
## [25] 37542 37550 37561 37578 37622 37624 37625 37626 37627 37630 37639 37642
## [37] 37698 50651 51171
  • It appears I cannot find any empty or NA values in the text messages. All messages are accounted for using the table() function. All cases are complete, i.e., have no missing values in the texts.
  • There are 663 NA values in the entire table – NOT in the “content” column which holds the texts (it has 0 NA values). This contrasts the DB file which has 0 NA values in the entire table.
  • 17 Columns in the XML table each have 39 NA values, which is why the total NA values for the table is 663.
##       sender receiver collect_method      content native country  age
## 14154   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 14312   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 14432   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15041   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15068   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15070   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15145   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15356   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15362   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15363   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15364   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15365   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15386   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15442   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15524   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 15525   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 20876   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 20894   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 20895   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 20896   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 20897   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 20898   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37509   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37519   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37542   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37550   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37561   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37578   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37622   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37624   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37625   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37626   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37627   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37630   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37639   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37642   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 37698   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 50651   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
## 51171   <NA>     <NA>           <NA> character(0)   <NA>    <NA> <NA>
##       input_method experience frequency phone_model collector gender smartphone
## 14154         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 14312         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 14432         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15041         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15068         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15070         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15145         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15356         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15362         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15363         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15364         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15365         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15386         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15442         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15524         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 15525         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 20876         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 20894         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 20895         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 20896         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 20897         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 20898         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37509         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37519         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37542         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37550         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37561         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37578         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37622         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37624         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37625         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37626         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37627         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37630         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37639         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37642         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 37698         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 50651         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
## 51171         <NA>       <NA>      <NA>        <NA>      <NA>   <NA>       <NA>
##       lang city    id send_time collect_time
## 14154 <NA> <NA>  4037      <NA>         <NA>
## 14312 <NA> <NA>  4195      <NA>         <NA>
## 14432 <NA> <NA>  4315      <NA>         <NA>
## 15041 <NA> <NA>  4924      <NA>         <NA>
## 15068 <NA> <NA>  4951      <NA>         <NA>
## 15070 <NA> <NA>  4953      <NA>         <NA>
## 15145 <NA> <NA>  5028      <NA>         <NA>
## 15356 <NA> <NA>  5239      <NA>         <NA>
## 15362 <NA> <NA>  5245      <NA>         <NA>
## 15363 <NA> <NA>  5246      <NA>         <NA>
## 15364 <NA> <NA>  5247      <NA>         <NA>
## 15365 <NA> <NA>  5248      <NA>         <NA>
## 15386 <NA> <NA>  5269      <NA>         <NA>
## 15442 <NA> <NA>  5325      <NA>         <NA>
## 15524 <NA> <NA>  5407      <NA>         <NA>
## 15525 <NA> <NA>  5408      <NA>         <NA>
## 20876 <NA> <NA> 10759      <NA>         <NA>
## 20894 <NA> <NA> 10777      <NA>         <NA>
## 20895 <NA> <NA> 10778      <NA>         <NA>
## 20896 <NA> <NA> 10779      <NA>         <NA>
## 20897 <NA> <NA> 10780      <NA>         <NA>
## 20898 <NA> <NA> 10781      <NA>         <NA>
## 37509 <NA> <NA> 27392      <NA>         <NA>
## 37519 <NA> <NA> 27402      <NA>         <NA>
## 37542 <NA> <NA> 27425      <NA>         <NA>
## 37550 <NA> <NA> 27433      <NA>         <NA>
## 37561 <NA> <NA> 27444      <NA>         <NA>
## 37578 <NA> <NA> 27461      <NA>         <NA>
## 37622 <NA> <NA> 27505      <NA>         <NA>
## 37624 <NA> <NA> 27507      <NA>         <NA>
## 37625 <NA> <NA> 27508      <NA>         <NA>
## 37626 <NA> <NA> 27509      <NA>         <NA>
## 37627 <NA> <NA> 27510      <NA>         <NA>
## 37630 <NA> <NA> 27513      <NA>         <NA>
## 37639 <NA> <NA> 27522      <NA>         <NA>
## 37642 <NA> <NA> 27525      <NA>         <NA>
## 37698 <NA> <NA> 27581      <NA>         <NA>
## 50651 <NA> <NA> 40534      <NA>         <NA>
## 51171 <NA> <NA> 41054      <NA>         <NA>
##  [1] "<message id=\"4037\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
##  [2] "<message id=\"4195\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
##  [3] "<message id=\"4315\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
##  [4] "<message id=\"4924\"><text>You are.&#13;"                                                                                                                            
##  [5] "<message id=\"4951\"><text>dude i woke up and i was in an armbar. i think he overextended it too. &#13;"                                                             
##  [6] "<message id=\"4953\"><text>Yo david my arm is all janked up cuz my friend arm barred me so i prob cant workout with you until it stops hurting&#13;"                 
##  [7] "<message id=\"5028\"><text>O. ..&#13;"                                                                                                                               
##  [8] "<message id=\"5239\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
##  [9] "<message id=\"5245\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
## [10] "<message id=\"5246\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
## [11] "<message id=\"5247\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
## [12] "<message id=\"5248\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
## [13] "<message id=\"5269\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
## [14] "<message id=\"5325\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
## [15] "<message id=\"5407\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
## [16] "<message id=\"5408\"><text>BEGIN:VCARD"                                                                                                                              
## [17] "<message id=\"10759\"><text>im well early to work you bum! im gonna stop home tonight so il see you when i see you. :)&#13;"                                         
## [18] "<message id=\"10777\"><text>assalam aliekum,&#13;"                                                                                                                   
## [19] "<message id=\"10778\"><text>assalam,&#13;"                                                                                                                           
## [20] "<message id=\"10779\"><text>my email is  &lt;EMAIL&gt; ..&#13;"                                                                                                      
## [21] "<message id=\"10780\"><text>Assalamaliekum,&#13;"                                                                                                                    
## [22] "<message id=\"10781\"><text>assalam aliekum&#13;"                                                                                                                    
## [23] "<message id=\"27392\"><text>Hey, sorry was sleeping just nw, i would take programmer, if tat's okay for u guys.&#13;"                                                
## [24] "<message id=\"27402\"><text>T shirt + shorts&#13;"                                                                                                                   
## [25] "<message id=\"27425\"><text>Tuesday after dinner wan watch movie together? World invasion: battle of LA 9pm de.&#13;"                                                
## [26] "<message id=\"27433\"><text>Clouds uploaded.&#13;"                                                                                                                   
## [27] "<message id=\"27444\"><text>The pirelajewellery I get the account already, but still some problem cos they make it only one year de, so i still email-ing them.&#13;"
## [28] "<message id=\"27461\"><text>Cs &lt;#&gt; &#13;"                                                                                                                      
## [29] "<message id=\"27505\"><text>haha u need meto&#13;"                                                                                                                   
## [30] "<message id=\"27507\"><text>paisseh I didn't check my&#13;"                                                                                                          
## [31] "<message id=\"27508\"><text>haha ok anyway in total&#13;"                                                                                                            
## [32] "<message id=\"27509\"><text>ok!! I go tale a&#13;"                                                                                                                   
## [33] "<message id=\"27510\"><text>everything is nice!! forthe loading screen ah is it possible to draw some&#13;"                                                          
## [34] "<message id=\"27513\"><text>npnp ! all the new stuff just put in the mingxun folder I renamed it liao so easier for me also! thx! anyway also still&#13;"            
## [35] "<message id=\"27522\"><text>ok all are nice!!! thank you umm one more thing! my friends commented that our&#13;"                                                     
## [36] "<message id=\"27525\"><text>hello!! I sent u another email with regards to space platform&#13;"                                                                      
## [37] "<message id=\"27581\"><text>lec over. come to d lab "                                                                                                                
## [38] "<message id=\"40534\"><text>Borrow the one at home lah&#13;"                                                                                                         
## [39] "<message id=\"41054\"><text>Yepyep got them from Istanbul&#13;"
  • With further investigation, it appears the texts themselves are corrupt as well, but we could not find them because they appeared with the string “character(0)” rather than having a NA or empty value.
  • Looking at the raw SMS file, it makes sense why these texts are corrupt – as in, its not at the fault of the function. The texts do not have at the end as a signifier that the text is over (even though there is a message there). Also , these messages do not have any of the other field indicators, which is why those values were assigned NA.

Part II - Exploratory Data Analysis

Question 1

We will first generate some additional quantitative variables, based on different summaries of the text messages. Here, you may copy the DB table to a local data frame and use dplyr to analyze and transform your data. Plots should be generated with ggplot.


Create a new variable that counts the number of characters in a text message.

texts_vec <- unlist(SMScorpus_db_df$content)
char_counts <- nchar(texts_vec)


Create a new variable that counts the number of words (as in strings that are separated by any type of space) in a text message (you might need to iterate or use an apply family function).

word_counts <- sapply(strsplit(texts_vec," "), length)


Create a new variable that measures the average length of a word in text message (That is, for each text message measure first the number of characters in each word, and average over those).

word_lengths <- sapply(strsplit(texts_vec, " "), nchar)
word_sums <- sapply(word_lengths, sum)

avg_lengths <- word_sums / word_counts # divide the sum of word lengths by N words


Create a new variable that counts how many exclamation marks appear in a text message. You may use the str_count function from the stringr package.

exclamations <- str_count(texts_vec, pattern = "!")


Create a new variable that counts how many question marks appear in a text message. You may use the str_count function from the stringr package.

questions <- str_count(texts_vec, pattern = '\\?')

Create a new variable that counts how many ellipsis (“…”) marks appear in a text message. You may use the str_count function from the stringr package.

dots <- str_count(texts_vec, pattern = '\\.\\.\\.')

Question 2

Analyze our new variables!

  • char_counts = number of characters in a text message
  • word_counts = number of words in a text message
  • avg_lengths = average length of words in a text message
  • exclamations = number of exclamation marks in a text message
  • questions = number of question marks in a text message
  • dots = number of ellipsis in a text message
counts_df <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(char_counts), ncol = 6))
colnames(counts_df) <- c('char_counts', 'word_counts', 'avg_lengths', 'exclamations', 'questions', 'dots')

counts_df$char_counts <- char_counts
counts_df$word_counts <- word_counts
counts_df$avg_lengths <- avg_lengths
counts_df$exclamations <- exclamations
counts_df$questions <- questions
counts_df$dots <- dots


Number of characters


Plot a histogram (normalized to density) of the variable that measures the number of characters in a text message. Select the fill to be red with 0.5 transparency, select the line color to be black. Set the number of bins to 100.

plot1 <- ggplot(counts_df, aes(x=char_counts)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), colour="black", fill="red", alpha=0.5, bins=100)


#### 2.A.ii.

The tail has a weird break a little left of 200. Why do you think it is there? Can you find the exact value based on your qualitative hypothesis (look online to confirm your suspicion)? Add a blue vertical line to the histogram at the cutoff value (try geom_vline).

plot_data <- ggplot_build(plot1)
plot_data_df <- plot_data$data[[1]]

xval <- plot_data_df$x[18]
yval <- plot_data_df$density[18]

## [1] 156.0909
plot1 + geom_vline(aes(xintercept=xval), color="blue", linetype="dashed", size = 1) 

  • The weird break is there at 156 characters because the typical character limit for a single SMS message is 160 characters. There are less texts with the number of characters greater than 160 because less phones are able to support that many characters.


Let us see now if there’s a difference between the groups of people that write messages up to the cutoff value you found. First, make a bar plot that shows the proportions of people that write messages below and above this threshold grouped by age. In order for the plot to be more informative, please plot only for age groups which are not “No response” or “unknown” (do not remove these values from the data, just plot without those).

all_df <- cbind(SMScorpus_db_df, counts_df)
threshold <- char_counts > 156
all_df$above_156 = threshold
nn <- length(threshold)

plot2 <- ggplot(data = all_df[which((all_df$age != "unknown") & (all_df$age != "No response")),]) +
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = age)) 

plot_data <- ggplot_build(plot2)
plot_data_df <- plot_data$data[[1]]
nn_vec <- plot_data_df$count # this quantity is the number of texts in each age group
nn_vec <- rep(nn_vec,c(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1)) 

ggplot(data = all_df[which((all_df$age != "unknown") & (all_df$age != "No response")),]) +
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = age, fill = above_156), position = "dodge") + 
  ggtitle("Number of texts with character length above or below 156 in each age group")

# The percent is given by: (# of texts that are True or False in a particular age group) / (# texts in that particular age group)
ggplot(data = all_df[which((all_df$age != "unknown") & (all_df$age != "No response")),]) +
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = age, fill = above_156, y = ..count../nn_vec), position = "dodge") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "%", labels=scales::percent) +
  ggtitle("% of texts in each age group that have a character length above or below 156")

What did you learn from the plot?

  • Approximately less than 14% of each age group has texts with the character length above 156.
  • The age group 51-60 has no texts with the character length above 156.
  • The age group with the greatest percentage of texts with the character length above 156 is the 36-40 age group.
all_df$gender <- gsub("F", "f", all_df$gender)

plot3 <- ggplot(data = all_df[which(all_df$gender != "unknown"),]) +
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = gender)) 

plot_data <- ggplot_build(plot3)
plot_data_df <- plot_data$data[[1]]
nn_vec <- plot_data_df$count # this quantity is the number of texts in each gender
nn_vec <- rep(nn_vec,c(2,2)) 

ggplot(data = all_df[which(all_df$gender != "unknown"),]) +
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = gender, fill = above_156), position = "dodge") + 
  ggtitle("Number of texts with character length above or below 156 in each gender")

ggplot(data = all_df[which(all_df$gender != "unknown"),]) +
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = gender, fill = above_156, y = ..count../nn_vec), position = "dodge") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "%", labels=scales::percent) +
  ggtitle("% of texts in each gender that have a character length above or below 156")

What did you learn from the plot?

  • Approximately 7% or less of males and females have texts with the character length above 156.
  • Females have almost twice the amount of texts with the the character length above 156 than males


Number of words


Make a box plot that best demonstrates how the distributions of the number of words change with age, by gender.

ggplot(data = all_df[which((all_df$age != "unknown") & (all_df$age != "No response") & (all_df$gender != "unknown") & (all_df$age < 46)),], mapping = aes(x = word_counts, y = age, fill=gender)) +

What do you learn from this plot?

  • The median number of words per text is below 25 for all age groups and for both men and women. Because of this, the distributions for men and women across different ages is similar.
  • The box plots are relatively narrow which suggests that overall the data has a high level of agreement with one another.
  • The longer whiskers on the right hand sides indicate that word counts are varied amongst the most positive quartile group, and very similar for the least positive quartile group.
  • Age groups 16-20 and 21-25 have many outliers for both men and women. The 26-30 age group, however, has many less outliers for women than for men. The age group with the least number of outliers is 31-35.


Make a box plot that best demonstrates whether or not the use of smartphone encourages messages that have more words. Before you do so, change all “Yes” entries in the smartphone column to “yes”.

all_df$smartphone <- gsub("Y", "y", all_df$smartphone)

ggplot(data = all_df, mapping = aes(x = word_counts, y = smartphone)) +
  geom_boxplot(color="red", fill="magenta", alpha=0.2) 

  • The use of smartphones does not encourage messages to have more words. This is because the median and the quartile ranges for the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ categories are almost exactly the same. Thus, they have the same distribution. It appears that there are more outliers for the ‘yes’ category, which could be due to more data points in the category. The ‘unknown’ category shows a similar distribution to the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ categories but with a more centered median, rather than having a wider most positive quartile range. Overall, it seems like no matter whether a smartphone is used or not, it is not possible to distinguish these distributions.


ggplot(data = all_df[which(all_df$gender != "unknown"),]) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = questions, y = exclamations, color = gender), position = "jitter") +
  xlim(0,20) + ylim(0,20) + facet_wrap(~ age, nrow = 2)
## Warning: Removed 25681 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

  • It appears that the variables of question marks and exclamation marks are not related to one another because texts either have one, the other, or both without a distinct relationship.
  • There are different distributions depending on the age group. For example, the age group 16-20 has a wide range of the number of exclamation points as compared to the number of question marks. Specifically, women in the age group use significantly more exclamation marks than the men. This age group is unique because of this difference between the men and the women. For example, the 21-25, the 31-35, and the 36-40 age groups include males and females using similar ranges for the covariates. The age group 26-30 has more spread for females using question marks than for males and the men appear to use slightly more exclamation marks. In the case of ages 41-45, it appears there is not enough data for the men compared to women. In the 46-50 and 51-60 age groups, we cannot make a comparison for men and women.
  • Overall, it looks like above the age of 25, both men and women are less likely to use punctuation compared to the 16-20 and 21-25 age groups.